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Platelet Rich Plasma

What is PRP therapy? 

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a proactive skin rejuvenation treatment that uses a highly concentrated preparation of your own biologically active blood platelets to stimulate skin cell growth and tissue renewal.

Your personal PRP serum contains up to five times as many platelets as what’s found in your normally circulating blood. It also contains much higher concentrations of your body’s most powerful growth factors, including:

  • Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
  • Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
  • Transforming growth factor (TGF)

How Does PRP Skin Rejuvenation Work?

PRP skin rejuvenation- also called a PRP facelift or a ‘vampire facial” – uses tiny microneedlings to inject your personal PRP serum directly into the areas of your skin you’d like to revitalize.

The team at Suh Esthetics can use PRP skin rejuvenation to correct or reduce the appearance of a wide range of common skin issues, including:

  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Areas of increased pigmentation
  • Chronically dehydrated skin
  • Visibly large pores
  • Under-eye hollows
  • Loose skin and saggy jowls
  • Age-related facial deflation
  • Acne scars and other surface scars

PRP therapy actively revitalizes your skin on two levels. First, the microneedling device creates tiny wounds on the surface of your skin which stimulates the production of collagen and elastin to strengthen your underlying skin structures.

Second, the growth factors in PRP serum promote skin cell growth and healing, resulting in smoother, tighter skin, restored facial volume and a more uniform complexion with fewer noticeable flaws.

What Is A ‘Vampire Facial’ Like?

A Vampire Facial (PRP skin rejuvenation) begins with a quick- in office blood draw. after transferring your blood to a sterile container, the specialist at Suh Esthetics spins it in a centrifuge machine to separate the platelets from the other components.

Your solid platelets are then recombined with a tiny amount of your plasma to create an injectable PRP liquid, which our specialist loads into the microneedling device.

Because the therapeutic catalyst in PRP skin rejuvenation comes from your own body, there’s no risk of triggering an immune response from your body. Even though the needles used in the treatment are very small, you’re given a topical anesthetic to ensure you remain comfortable throughout your procedure.

When Do I See Results?

You can expect to see noticeable improvements in your skin within the first few days of your PRP microneedling session as your body’s healing mechanisms take action. Because skin cell renewal is a gradual process, you can expect to see continued improvement for several weeks.

To find out how PRP skin rejuvenation can benefit you, call or text to schedule an appointment or complimentary consultation today.