“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” This is one of my favorite quotes I live by. At this point in my life, I’ve seen so many inspirational success stories that it can be unforgivable to not even follow through with one single New Year’s resolution. “This year will be different,” we always tell ourselves. The problem is we have a lifelong programming of bad habits – like eating bad foods, not exercising, and spending too much money. Take a look at the above picture, of Chris, a sergeant in the Army who lost both legs below the knees just 6 months ago in Afghanistan, yet look at what he is accomplishing. He doesn’t let his injury keep him down and continues to make no excuses in life. We all know what we need to do, but the problem is we just don’t do it! Why? Because it’s easy to stay safe and comfortable. Take a look at yourself. If you’re not where you want to be, then what you’ve been doing isn’t working! I challenge you to get out of your comfort zone. The more often you do something uncomfortable, I promise that it will become easier to do.
Let’s start right by taking small steps. Here is a simple success recipe I learned from one of my mentors. Do this easy routine every single morning and it will turn into a habit.
- Do 10 pushups and 10 sit ups. This should take less than 1 minute to do…hopefully.
- Read 10 pages of personal development. Right now I’m reading two great books on finance and health: The Compound Effect and Meals That Heal Inflammation. Read anything that will benefit you. Most people don’t work on any improvement, so don’t settle for average!
- Journal 10 things you are thankful for. Remember to think of positivity, not of things you resent.
10 a day is painless. Just be patient and consistent and soon those bad habits will turn into good habits. Remember, it’s very easy to make an excuse if you really don’t commit to consistency.
If you want to share these tips with those who may be struggling with making those crucial lifestyle changes, feel free to Like, Post or Share this advice. I work on successful lifestyle routines with every patient. If you’d like to learn more on accomplishing your New Year’s resolution give us a call. Thanks and Happy New Year!
Michael Corsilles, ND, PA-C
Eastside Primary Care and Wellness