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Happiness: The Best Life Expectancy Gauge

106 Happiness: The Best Life Expectancy GaugeI’m reading a book by Dan Buettner who wrote The Blue Zones: 9 lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest. From this book he talks about a Vitality Compass. And apparently I can’t survive off of vitamins alone. Dang!

This Vitality Compass is essentially a life expectancy gauge, that surveys your diet, exercise, emotions and overall lifestyle including everyone’s favorite issue – stress! It’s not an exact science but does comparisons to the average Joe in regards to the happiness factor and how it influences our health. Check it out here

I’m supposed to live to 89. But I want to reach 100! The great thing is that at the end of the survey, this Vitality Compass gives tips on how to extend your life. Remember what I’ve said before: If you are not where you want to be in life, take advice from someone who is, like in that book. If there are valuable life lessons from someone who has lived the longest, you bet I’m going to take some notes to find out how they did it. Go to that site and let us know what your calculated age is!

Michael Corsilles, ND, PA-C


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