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Happy Independence Day!!

I want wish everyone a fun and safe weekend.

Looks like we will have good weather for the 4th finally. The first year I moved up here from Texas, I went to see
fireworks at Gas Works Park with a raincoat and a blanket, and I was still freezing. I was used to going to see fireworks in my shorts and tank-top with a cooler. I then realized that Seattle’s summer does not start until after July 4th. But the beautiful fireworks over Lake Union definitely made up for it. Nevertheless, I am very happy that summer is finally here.

I promised in the last newsletter that this one would have very useful medical information for you. Let’s talk about energy and vitality. I’ve noticed that as I age, I just don’t have the energy and stamina that I use to. I remember staying up all night during medical school and also working 30 hours straight as an intern and I still had the energy to go out afterwards. I thought having 2 young kids would be no problem for me. I survived medical school and residency. Man, was I wrong.

I crash in the middle of the day and lack of sleep at night is really taking a toll on me. I started to have my staff give me vitamin B shots to get by when I was really fatigued or when I felt like I am coming down with a cold.

Then recently, Dr. Corsilles started the IV nutrition therapy at our clinic, so I tried it out. I can tell you from my personal experience that IV therapy is far superior to just B shots. We add Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium Bicarb, Vitamin C, B12, B complex, Folic Acid, trace minerals, Calcium, and Chromium. There are other medications we can add to the IV depending on your conditions. By comparison, there is about 5 times the amount of vitamins and minerals that go into the IV bag versus just the intramuscular shots. The most common conditions that can benefit from IV nutrition therapy include:

  • chronic fatigue
  • chronic pain syndrome
  • migraines
  • and poor immune system causing recurrent infections.

A lot of our patients are already getting IV treatments every 2 to 4 weeks and can testify to the benefits of IV therapy.

VitaminIV-300x199 Happy Independence Day!!

So next time you feel tired, feel like you are coming down with something, or have chronic pain in general, try IV nutritional therapy. It is a very popular treatment in Asia and is given for all type of illness and is now starting to become popular here in the U.S. as well.

As you know, our clinic offers the highest state of the art therapy in Wellness and Anti-Aging treatments available.
Take advantage of it, as there are not many clinics that offer this type of treatment, and most clinics around the area have no clue what this is.


Erik Suh, MD

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