Dear patients,
Happy New Year!! Beginning of the year is always the time to make some resolutions to better yourself. Have you made yours? I have couple of New Year resolutions I want to share with you.
First is that I must learn balance. Sounds like a line from the movie Karate Kid huh? Imagine Mr. Miyagi but with my face, I’m kidding. For example, I find myself spending too much time at work and not enough at home, or trying too much to be a good father and not enough of being a good husband or giving out too much advice and not taking some for myself, or being lazy watching TV or on Facebook instead of working out and playing with my kids. I must first learn balance.
Second is that I must learn to enjoy life again. When I started the practice 5 years ago, I noticed that I was becoming a serious person. I became a business owner and that was very scary for me. I know that I am a good doctor, but I didn’t know how to run a business. I also worried a lot. which lead to anxiety and insomnia. Then fast forward 5 years, I got married to a beautiful wife and have 2 wonderful kids. This year was the first New Years Eve I can remember where I didn’t go out to celebrate and was passed out in bed watching TV before midnight! Anyway, my concerns about our finances and future just piled on more. Well, this resolution goes back to my first resolution. I must find a way to balance my worries with happiness, to spend as much time with family and friends and as I spend time working. I also need to watch my spending so I stress less about our finances and to enjoy life. To be happy with my life now and worry less about the future. Lastly, I need to take care of my health as much as I worry about yours.
What are some of your resolutions?
I would love to hear yours since I told you mine.
Yours truly,
Dr. Erik H. Suh MD